Tuesday, October 12, 2010


The Carnot cycle is a particular thermodynamic cycle proposed by Nicolas Léonard Sadi Carnot in 1824 and expanded by Benoit Paul Émile Clapeyron in the 1830s and 40s. It is the most efficient existing cycle capable of converting a given amount of thermal energy into work or, conversely, creating a temperature difference (e.g. for refrigeration) by doing a given amount of work.
Every thermodynamic system exists in a particular thermodynamic state. When a system is taken through a series of different states and finally returned to its initial state, a thermodynamic cycle is said to have occurred. In the process of going through this cycle, the system may perform work on its surroundings, thereby acting as a heat engine. A system undergoing a Carnot cycle is called a Carnot heat engine, although such a 'perfect' engine is only theoretical and cannot be built in practice.


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